What does plagiarism mean?

Plagiarism is to be referred to as the one who uses the words and ideas of another person's work without acknowledging the source. While it is a moral offence to claim credit for another's work or ideas as your own, the real question is: Where is your voice heard in the work? However, even if you agree with the findings of previous researchers, you must incorporate your perspective into your research work. Avoiding literary theft and creating new ideas for your examination work can both be accomplished through creativity.

You may be prone to plagiarism for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Using another person's work without mentioning the author's name.

  • Plagiarism extends beyond simple word-for-word plagiarism to the act of plagiarising someone else's ideas as well

  • Inaccurately mentioning someone or providing false information about it.

  • Journals article editing/Rewriting

  • Updating a few words in a piece of information without mentioning the source.